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Nonton The Canterville Ghost (2023) Subtitle Indonesia
WEBDL • Animation • 2023 • 89.min
Trailer The Canterville Ghost (2023)
Quality: WEBDL Country: Canada, United Kingdom Cast: David Harewood, Emily Carey, Freddie Highmore,, Hugh Laurie,, Imelda Staunton, Jakey Schiff, Meera Syal, Miranda Hart, Stephen Fry, Toby Jones Director: Kim Burdon IMDB: 6.3 /10 dari 27 users Published: 2023-09-22 By: Saung Movie Uploaded: February 15, 2024, 06:35 am Duration: 1 jam 29 menit Visitors: 19 Views
Sebuah keluarga Amerika pindah ke Canterville Chase, sebuah rumah besar di London yang telah dihantui oleh hantu Sir Simon de Canterville selama 300 tahun.
Keywords : #animation#based on novel or book#cinema#eccentric family#family#ghost#halloween#halloween costume
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