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Nonton A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (2019) Subtitle Indonesia
BluRay • Drama • 2019 • 109.min
Trailer A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (2019)
Quality: BluRay Country: China, United States Cast: Carmen Cusack, Chris Cooper,, Enrico Colantoni, Maryann Plunkett, Matthew Rhys, Noah Harpster, Susan Kelechi Watson, Tammy Blanchard, Tom Hanks, Wendy Makkena Director: Tomas Deckaj IMDB: 7.0 /10 dari 1603 users Published: 2019-09-07 By: Saung Movie Uploaded: January 3, 2021, 00:03 am Duration: 1 jam 49 menit Visitors: 19 Views
Seorang jurnalis sinis pemenang penghargaan, Lloyd Vogel, dengan berat hati menerima tugas untuk menulis profil Esquire tentang ikon televisi tercinta Fred Rogers. Setelah pertemuannya dengan Rogers, sudut pandang Vogel tentang kehidupan berubah.
Keywords : #1990s#based on magazine#based on true story#estranged father#friendship#hand puppet#investigative journalism#kindness#male friendship#newspaper or article#semi-biographical#television host#television journalist#television star#tv show,
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