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Nonton A Cinderella Story: If the Shoe Fits (2016) Subtitle Indonesia
DVDRip • Comedy • 2016 • 92.min
Trailer A Cinderella Story: If the Shoe Fits (2016)
Quality: DVDRip Country: United States Cast: Ally White, Amy Louise Wilson, Ashley de Lange, Chloe Perling, David Ury, Jazzara Jaslyn, Jennifer Tilly, Nicole Fortuin, Sofia Carson, Thomas Law Director: Michelle Johnston IMDB: 7.2 /10 dari 830 users Published: 2016-08-02 By: Saung Movie Uploaded: November 22, 2016, 06:41 am Duration: 1 jam 32 menit Visitors: 14 Views
Versi musikal kontemporer dari kisah klasik Cinderella di mana putri tiri pembantunya berharap untuk berkompetisi dalam kompetisi musik untuk bintang pop terkenal.
Keywords : #celebrity#dance#dancer#fairy tale#modern fairy tale#musical#orphan
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