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Nonton Enemy of the State (1998) Subtitle Indonesia
BluRay • Action • 1998 • 132.min
Trailer Enemy of the State (1998)
Quality: BluRay Country: United Kingdom, United States Cast: Barry Pepper, Gabriel Byrne,, Gene Hackman, Jake Busey, Jason Lee, Jon Voight, Lisa Bonet, Loren Dean, Regina King,, Will Smith Director: Tony Scott IMDB: 7.0 /10 dari 3806 users Published: 1998-11-20 By: Saung Movie Uploaded: October 1, 2021, 04:37 am Duration: 2 jam 12 menit Visitors: 14 Views
Ketika rekaman video pembunuhan seorang anggota kongres tanpa sengaja berakhir di tangan pengacara buruh dan pria berkeluarga yang berdedikasi, Robert Clayton Dean, dia dijebak atas pembunuhan tersebut. Dengan bantuan Brill yang misterius, Dean mencoba mengecoh NSA dan membuktikan bahwa dia tidak bersalah.
Keywords : #antagonistic#authoritarian#baltimore#conspiracy#corruption#dramatic#espionage#exploding building#falsely accused,#helicopter#identity#internet surveillance#lawyer#mafia#mass surveillance#mexican standoff#national security agency (nsa),#politics#privacy#satellite#secret hideout,#subjective#surveillance#surveillance state#usa#voyeur,#washington dc#wiretap,
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