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Nonton National Treasure: Book of Secrets (2007) Subtitle Indonesia
BluRay • Action • 2007 • 124.min
National Treasure: Book of Secrets (2007)
Benjamin Franklin Gates dan Abigail Chase kembali bekerja sama dengan Riley Poole dan, kini berbekal setumpuk halaman buku harian John Wilkes Booth yang telah lama hilang, Ben harus mengikuti petunjuk yang tertinggal di sana untuk membuktikan bahwa leluhurnya tidak bersalah dalam pembunuhan Abraham Lincoln.
Keywords : #american civil war#ancestor#anxious#archaeologist#archeology#assassination#buckingham palace#decipher#desk#england#ex-husband ex-wife relationship#fictionalized history#france#gold#hidden clues#hidden history#historical artifacts#history and legacy,#library of congress#lincoln memorial#london#mount rushmore#mount vernon estate#parent child relationship#paris#revisionist history#riddle#secret formula#secret history#secret society#south dakota#the white house#treasure hunt#treasure,#usa history#usa president#virginia,
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