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Nonton The Haunted Palace (1963) Subtitle Indonesia
BluRay • Horror • 1963 • 87.min
Trailer The Haunted Palace (1963)
Quality: BluRay Country: United States Cast: Cathie Merchant, Debra Paget, Elisha Cook Jr., Frank Maxwell, Guy Wilkerson, John Dierkes, Leo Gordon, Lon Chaney Jr., Milton Parsons, Vincent Price Director: Roger Corman IMDB: 6.6 /10 dari 169 users Published: 1963-08-28 By: Saung Movie Uploaded: March 19, 2018, 07:33 am Duration: 1 jam 27 menit Visitors: 15 Views
Seorang penyihir yang dibakar di tiang pancang kembali dan mengambil alih tubuh cicitnya untuk membalas dendam kepada keturunan desa yang membakarnya.
Keywords : #attempted rape#based on song#burned alive,#curse#descendant#dungeon#fireplace#gothic#gothic horror,#grave robber#mansion#monster#murder#mutations#necronomicon#new england#occult#poem or rhyme#possession#revenge#secret passage
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