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Nonton The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013) Subtitle Indonesia
BluRay • Action • 2013 • 161.min
Trailer The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013)
Quality: BluRay Country: New Zealand, United States Cast: Benedict Cumberbatch, Evangeline Lilly, Ian McKellen, Ken Stott, Lee Pace, Luke Evans, Martin Freeman, Orlando Bloom, Richard Armitage, Stephen Fry Director: Peter Jackson, IMDB: 7.6 /10 dari 13132 users Published: 2013-12-11 By: Saung Movie Uploaded: July 12, 2021, 10:40 am Duration: 2 jam 41 menit Visitors: 20 Views
Para kurcaci, Bilbo dan Gandalf telah berhasil melarikan diri dari pegunungan berkabut, dan Bilbo telah mendapatkan satu cincin. Mereka semua melanjutkan perjalanan untuk mendapatkan kembali emas mereka dari sang naga, Smaug.
Keywords : #barrel#based on novel or book#bear,#captured#creatures#dragon,#dwarf,#dwarves#elves,#epic quest,#fantasy world#giant spider#gold#good versus evil#high fantasy#hobbit#invisibility,#journey#lake#live action and animation#mountain,#orcs#ring#sequel#shapeshifter#sword and sorcery#trekking#trolls#turns into animal#wizard
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