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Nonton Brotherhood of the Wolf (2001) Subtitle Indonesia
BluRay • Action • 2001 • 143.min
Trailer Brotherhood of the Wolf (2001)
Quality: BluRay Country: France Cast: Émilie Dequenne, Jacques Perrin, Jean Yanne, Jean-François Stévenin, Jérémie Renier, Johan Leysen, Mark Dacascos, Monica Bellucci, Samuel Le Bihan, Vincent Cassel Director: Christophe Gans IMDB: 6.7 /10 dari 1529 users Published: 2001-01-31 By: Saung Movie Uploaded: September 3, 2021, 10:20 am Duration: 2 jam 23 menit Visitors: 21 Views
Di Prancis abad ke-18, Chevalier de Fronsac dan teman pribumi Amerika-nya, Mani, dikirim oleh raja ke provinsi Gevaudan untuk menyelidiki pembunuhan ratusan orang oleh binatang misterius.
Keywords : #18th century#animal attack#beast,#conspiracy#creature#france#investigation#martial arts#murder#rape#suspenseful#werewolf,#wolf
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