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Nonton The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966) Subtitle Indonesia
BluRay • Western • 1966 • 161.min
Trailer The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966)
Quality: BluRay Country: Italy, United States Cast: Aldo Giuffrè, Antonio Casale, Claudio Scarchilli, Clint Eastwood, Eli Wallach, Enzo Petito, Lee Van Cleef, Livio Lorenzon, Luigi Pistilli, Rada Rassimov Director: Sergio Leone IMDB: 8.5 /10 dari 8642 users Published: 1966-12-22 By: Saung Movie Uploaded: July 24, 2019, 09:22 am Duration: 2 jam 41 menit Visitors: 17 Views
Sementara perang saudara berkecamuk antara pihak serikat dan konfederasi, tiga pria – seorang penyendiri yang pendiam, pembunuh bayaran yang kejam, dan seorang bandit Meksiko – menyisir wilayah barat daya Amerika untuk mencari brankas berisi emas curian senilai $200.000.
Keywords : #american civil war#anti hero#army#bounty hunter#gallows#gold#hitman#moral ambiguity#outlaw#refugee#shootout#spaghetti western
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